Lotion pump manufacturer: how to select lotion pumps for cleaning and caring plastic packaging bottles?

Generally, shampoo, shower gel and other plastic care bottles are equipped with lotion pumps, which are widely used. Brand or buyer needs to consider many factors when selecting lotion pump.

1. For safety, it is necessary to judge whether the raw materials and materials of lotion pump are compatible. Washer pump manufacturer

2. Select the specification of emulsion pump according to the product use. There is a formula:=(1-2) * pump output is recommended.

3. Select according to the capacity specification and expected use times of the product. Usually, a package is used 100-300 times. Washer pump manufacturer

4. According to the specifications of lotion pump and bottle mouth, the common diameters are 18mm, 20mm, 22mm, 24mm, 28mm, 33mm and 38mm; Common specifications are 400, 410 and 415.

When choosing an emulsion pump, you need to ensure that the sealing function of the plastic packaging bottle is clean and protected, as this is a key factor in product storage and transportation.

Emulsion and asphalt are delivered to colloid mill at the same time. If the colloid mill inlet presents positive pressure, the asphalt pump uses a positive displacement pump. If the lift of the lotion pump is low, asphalt will enter the emulsion system. At this time, the lotion pump selected is a high lift pump. Lotion is a diluent of water and emulsifier. Whether it is a cationic asphalt emulsifier for road emulsified asphalt or an anionic asphalt emulsifier for waterproof emulsified asphalt. There is a certain degree of corrosion, so pay attention to corrosion resistance when selecting the pump. Washer pump manufacturer

The stainless steel gear pump relies on the small gap between the gear and the chamber to ensure the high lift of the emulsion pump. After using the emulsified asphalt equipment, the chamber and gear are corroded by the emulsion, and the gear is worn (the gear is easier to be worn by the water emulsion). The mechanical fit clearance becomes larger, and the head of the emulsion pump becomes smaller. This is also the reason why the equipment that was able to produce high content emulsified asphalt could not produce such high content one year later.

Post time: Nov-04-2022